When it is about buying biscuits, customers are confronted to their
emotions and needs. In fact you may need to eat biscuits for different reasons: a sweet snack,
a dessert, breakfast… According to the need and taste, customers are going to
be more attracted by one brand or more generally one kind of biscuit.
The following chart shows that biscuit are mainly eaten during
breakfast and snack break. In fact those moments represent 84% of child
consumption and 70% of adults consumption.
In the biscuit market we observe that consumers are usually attached to their memories; in fact when people think about biscuit it remember them of their childhood. Competitors have to work on this and propose biscuit dedicated to kids but which can also satisfy older customer needs. So biscuits have a notion of memory and past. When we analyse this notion it appears that it is linked to tradition, good memories and happiness. It is important for producer to take in consideration this aspect in their product (recipient, packaging, ads…).
Several studies show that the snack break is deeply rooted in French people
habits. In fact 99% of French home with child have a daily snack; and both
children and adults take part in this. The snack break is the occasion for
parents and children to relax after a long day and to share a family moment
around pastries. The snack is assimilated to happiness, conviviality, sharing
and relaxation.
Principal food consumed during the snack
break. Source: Ipsos
of the main criteria when it is about choosing a biscuit is mainly
taste. Customer will be more tempted to choose a chocolate cake
if they love chocolate than a strawberry one. Then come the values we care of :
people attached to quality and health will be more attracted by a brand which insist on quality and primary ingredients than by a low cost brand which use a lot of chemical products.
Those last years we have been inundate by several advertisements aimed to redefine eating habits and people are increasingly more concerned by their health and the one of their children. To attract consumer , manufacturers can not ignore this point. Biscuits are rich in cereal and the healthy criteria is more and more take in consideration during the act of purchase.
By Framboise
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