December 7, 2013

Brand Awareness and Lovemarks !

To test the Brand Awareness of Bonne Maman and Michel et Augustin, we have created a questionnaire and have interrogated over 50 persons. The main goal of this questionnaire was to evaluate the brand recognition of those 2 brands and to figure out if they are considered as Lovemarks by the consumers. 

Top of mind
First of all, we asked the consumers to name 5 biscuits brands. We figured out that Bonne Maman and Michel et Augustin are not the “top of mind” brands. When people think about biscuits brands, they think about Lu, BN, Prince, Saint Michel and Delacre
Bonne Maman is more famous for its marmalades than for its biscuits. Michel et Augustin has been named by a few respondents but is not part of “top of mind”. 

To understand, we asked some questions regarding brand awareness. 

Brand Recognition: 
We talk about brand recognition when potential consumers are able to recognize and identify a brand. To test the brand recognition of the respondents, we asked them if they could identify a brand from modified images:

- Over 98% of the respondents recognized the brand Bonne Maman. 
- Whereas only 67% of them recognized the brand Michel et Augustin. 
The brand awareness of Bonne Maman is way better than the one of Michel et Augustin. Bonne Maman, is well-known for its marmalades and most part of consumers are able to recognize the famous red and white Vichy fabric. Moreover, Bonne Maman has been created in 1971 and is considered as traditional brand. 
On the other hand, Michel et Augustin is a young brand, created 9 years ago and still has to gain awareness. Even if the brand is well-known by the young generation, most part of the older generation (over 40 years old) has never heard about the brand. 

We also wanted to know if the brands Bonne Maman and Michel et Augustin were considered as brands, commodities or as Lovemarks. The respondents had to rank some criteria on a scale from HOT to COLD, HOT being the best grade. The criteria were ranked on 2 categories, Respect and Love. 
To be a Lovemark, the brand has to achieve 41 points! 


- Bonne Maman is a Lovemark with 41 points! 
The brand has very good results in the categories Performance, Trust, Reputation, Sensuality and Intimacy. Indeed, Bonne Maman is perceived as a high quality brand. It is a reliable brand and consumers are never disappointed when they buy Bonne Maman products. 

- Michel et Augustin is a Commodity with 36 points! 
The brand has good grades in the categories Performance, Reputation and Sensuality. However, Michel et Augustin should try to improve its performance on the categories Trust and Mystery. This young brand still has to prove itself and to gain the trust of the consumers.

Author : Madeleine


  1. Wow! Great post... esp the catchy title :) I really liked your brand communication strategy Michel. Keep posting such blog. I even liked your brand communication techniques. Similarly, Brandharvest is also branding agency in Mumbai, that provides total branding strategies to its client.

  2. Your questionnaire technique is really great to evaluate the brand recognition and surely helps in the brand building strategy. great work!
